Pretty Candi bloom Tutorial

Hi everybody,

Another Candi bloom this morning, I'm going to show a couple of the simplest flowers of all that can be built up from a 3/5/6 Candi centre or bud to a full blown flower that can have a contrasting Candi, gem, pearl or liquid pearl centre.

Once you have made the initial 5/6 petal flower just build 2/3 or more rows underneath to make the flower as large as you need, you will need a larger circle for a much larger flower.  I have made two today, one with 2/3 rows and one with 5/6 rows.....

Follow steps 1 - 3 above, flip disc over and place a blob of glue in the centre.  Add centre 'bud' from step 4 below and add layers of Candi underneath until you have a flower like step 5 above, or as large as you want.  You can have the Candi more upright or laid nearer the disc for different effects......

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